Η πολιτική δε νοείται
χωρίς ανάγκη για εξουσία
ο πολιτισμός έχει
ανάγκη για μοναχισμό και πρωτοτυπία
έως και θυσία και πόνο
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: ΠΟΛΙΣ (προς συγκοινωνους αδιαφόρων συναισθηματων
[και αδρων ανταλαγματων])
ο πολιτισμός και η πολιτική
είναι δυο έννοιες με την ίδια ρίζα,
τον όρο πόλις.
Αυτό που τα κάνει να ξεχωρίζουν είναι,
πως ο πολιτισμός έχει ανάγκη
για μοναχισμό και πρωτοτυπία
έως και θυσία και πόνο, προς ένα καλύτερο αύριο
όχι συγκρητισμό και μισόλογα.
Η πολιτική δε νοείται χωρίς ανάγκη για εξουσία
αδύναμη αλλοιωμένη προσωπικότητα.
after build
will come destroy
the commerce continues
the world falls apart
the trash in the streets
is like a heart
broken by bad food
look how the fools
lock their own cages
VITALITY MC account overdrawn (lyrics)
i lose a piece
of the sunrise
they tax our graves
as if we thrive
where the maggots
don't feel full
life is lived
where wool they pull
still feels good
when it's on sale
the muscles in
your heart are pale
where a kid
is overfed
crawling on a razor
like every dead
pig that we eat
gives us protein
a lifeline meets
a guillotine
a guillotine
where gluttony
misspells freedom
and all the things
that make a demon
move in silence
find a home
when a broken
labor drone
buys an iphone
to fill voids
cause after build
will come destroy
the commerce continues
the world falls apart
the trash in the streets
is like a heart
broken by bad food
look how the fools
lock their own cages
as if every pool
as if every pool
of blood becomes
the perfect time
for someone to sell
their newest line
of paper towels
a register opens
we walk in a store
like a devil eloping
with a jaded army
we walk on a tightrope
that don't need proof
that gravity exists
and call it a bargain
a melting earth
and a profit margin
are fraternal twins
time stands benign
and light makes a shadow
that writes a rhyme
with ink of a lost art
called habitat
falling fast without
the comfort of
knowing that karma
can rise above
the impending storm
only we deform
a tree giving oxygen
a kid is born
where rubber meets road
and road meets brick wall
their shit goes on sale
and we lose all
sense of community
rats in this race
can't see their overlord's
cold vile face
when busy taking selfies
their morals are unhealthy
the wingspan between
the poor and the wealthy
exists as the glue
exists as the glue
connecting us all
sometimes a demigod
can make a mall
their greatest pulpit
commerce is god
the windowpanes
that give our facades
a view of the world
capsize the night
and give it direction
like tv makes light
a register opens
and a mind closes
we throw away life
like dying roses
can be redeemed
for water with no
flouride my money
knows how to show
the devil a mirror
where every clone
with their face buried
in a fucking iphone
squanders the very
premise of sky
we bow to our leaders
cause if we try
to raise our voice
they'll raise our rent
our wings are made
of wet cement
on the backs
of college debts
a cut throat
does not respect
the healing process
like a kid
in a sweatshop
never gives
a christmas list
to santa clause
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